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Office Staff Phone Extensions

Camden County Educational Services Commission
225 White Horse Avenue
Clementon, NJ 08021
Name Department/Title Phone Ext. / Fax
Education Office
Mary Hartsell Director of Special Services 117 / 856-346-1342
Patricia Russo Supervisor of Instruction 125 / 856-346-1342
Norell Gurcsik Supervisor of Instruction 121 / 856-346-1342
Catherine Saporito Supervisor of Instruction 115 / 856-346-1342
Nina Longer Program Manager - Education 132 / 856-346-1342
Stephanie DiAntonio CST Coordinator 127 / 856-346-1342
Rachael Clancy Structured Learning Experience Coordinator 734 / 856-346-1342
Debbie Magill Special Education Assistant 122 / 856-346-1342
Kelly Beebe Education Assistant 120 / 856-346-1342
Transportation Office
Betsy Resto Transportation Supervisor 129 / 856-309-1026
Francesca Hoke Transportation Coordinator 118 / 856-309-1026
Marge Bonanno Transportation Clerk 133 / 856-309-1026
Nicole Mallon Transportation Clerk 119 / 856-309-1026
Emily McKinney Transportation Clerk 140 / 856-309-1026
Michael Amato Driver/Maintenance  
Luciano Muniz Driver/Maintenance  
Information Systems Office
Tom Fitzgerald Technology Coordinator 137 / 856-346-4916
Joe McMullen Software Support Specialist 123 / 856-309-1026
Business Office
Alice Middleman Assistant to the Business Administrator 111 / 856-346-4916
Sandy McCloskey Accounts Receivable 106 / 856-346-4916
Joan Ludlam Human Resources Assistant/Payroll 113 / 856-346-4916
Kristine MacDuff Accounts Payable & Contracts 110 / 856-346-4916
Central Office Administration
Daniel Del Vecchio Superintendent 104 / 856-346-4916
Katherine Carey Assistant Superintendent 152 / 856-346-4916
Patrick Madden Business Administrator 108 / 856-346-4916
Sue McKinney Executive Assistant II 126 / 856-346-4916